Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What type of life should I expect from a SPF roof?

Specifying SPF Roofing Systems: Part 2

What type of life should I expect from a SPF roof?
In 1996 and 2003, the National Roofing Foundation commissioned Dr. Rene Dupuis of Structural Research Inc. to conduct research on spray polyurethane foam (SPF) roofing systems like those from Conklin in six different climate zones in the United States. Based on surveys of over 300 SPF roofing systems, Dupuis concluded that SPF roofs have an effective service life of more than 30 years. The research also shows that the physical properties of the foam change very little with age. This indicates that the life expectancy of a SPF roof system depends primarily on the original application and long-term maintenance.

SPF roofing systems should be inspected semi-annually and after events that could cause mechanical damage, such as hail storms, tornados, and hurricanes. Small (less than 4-inch in diameter) cracks, gouges, or punctures can be repaired with an elastomeric sealant compatible with the SPF system. To repair more extensive damage, remove the damaged foam and reapply additional SPF and coating.

SPF roofing systems typically are recoated at regularly scheduled intervals to extend the life of the system. According to Dupuis’ research, SPF roofing systems currently average 15 years between recoating cycles.

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